I love to do hand and footprint art to capture moments in time. We did this project on New Year’s Eve with seven two year old toddlers–our four and a set of triplets we babysat to give their parents a date night.
Happy New Year Hand Print Art
You will need:
Colored printer paper or construction paper in two colors
Printer to print out ‘Happy New Year,’ the year, and the child’s name
Glue stick or white glue
Tempera or other non-toxic paint in color of your choice
paint brush
Photo of the child
Laminating pouch and laminating machine (optional)
Print out ‘Happy New Year,’ the year and the child’s name in a font you like onto a sheet of colored paper and cut them out (or have your older child do this). Have your child glue the signs onto the paper leaving enough room for the photo and hand prints. Use the paint brush to paint your child’s hand and print it onto the paper. Repeat with the other hand. If desired, cut out the child’s image from the background of the photo. When the paint is dry, attach the photo with the glue stick. If desired, put the finished project into a laminating pouch and laminate it so that your child can compare his or her hand print at the end of the new year. You could even have your child make a new one each year for a fun comparison.
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