Since my surgery is right around the corner, I wanted the kids to have a simple explanation as to why I am going to the hospital. So, I cut out hearts and cut holes in them. I made patches out of purple paper and gave them glue sticks. I told them that I have holes in my heart and that the doctors are going to fix them at the hospital. I told them that they could pretend … [Read more...]
Swiss Cheese Heart–Health Scare Part 3
If you have been following, you know I had a health scare after Christmas where I ended up hospitalized for a few days following a TIA ('mini-stroke'). Next, I found out I have a hole in my heart called a PFO (when the flap that everyone has in utero remains open instead of closing). The next test was a transesophageal echocardiogram where a camera was … [Read more...]
Hole in my Heart–Health Scare Part Two
If you have been following, you know I had a health scare over the holidays. I was diagnosed with a TIA (mini-stroke) which is like a small earthquake signaling that a bigger quake may follow. After the episode, I went through denial. Like a tiny earthquake, a TIA leaves no damage behind. So, there is … [Read more...]