Whenever we leave the house, we are approached by many people. A quad stroller, or two twin strollers, is an unusual sight. People are naturally curious. I am a member of our local twin’s club and other Moms report the same phenomenon. There are different responses to the countless questions. … [Read more...]
Adventures in Fertility, Part I
When my husband Greg and I were little, we imagined getting married, having babies and living--you guessed it--happily ever after. After all, that is what we heard about in stories. That is what we saw around us. We went to college and I went to graduate school and then walked down the aisle together. We thought we would have a … [Read more...]
Adventures in Fertility, Part II
Once we had our diagnosis of 'unexplained infertility' it was time to begin treatment. The first course of action is usually IUI or intrauterine insemination. This involves taking the medicine Clomid which stimulates the ovaries to release more follicles, which contain an egg each. Otherwise, the ovaries … [Read more...]
Adventures in Fertility, Part III
After our referral for IVF, we had to wait about six months for my body to recover from all the medications from the previous IUI cycles. We were referred to a wonderful doctor who was empathic and committed to helping us begin our family. We did our first in vitro cycle and my body responded well to the medications, which resulted in many high quality … [Read more...]
Adventures in Fertility, Part IV
We needed a new oven for our frozen buns. The search was on. We explored many options for surrogacy and decided to go through an agency because it felt more secure. In the online profiles galore, one person stood out. There was something about her smile and the warmth in her … [Read more...]