St. Patrick’s Day Bath Fun
You will need:
- Green food coloring
- Foam pieces in green–if desired
- St Patrick’s Day stickers-if desired
- Construction Paper (if laminating stickers)
- Laminating sheet and Laminating Machine-if desired
- Empty containers such as cups and Tupperware to fill with green water and gather Shamrocks
If you wish to add the stickers, you can use the stickers alone if you do not have a laminating machine. Or, if you have a laminating machine, stick the stickers on a sheet of construction paper. Place it inside a laminating sheet and laminate. Cut out the stickers with construction paper. They are now more water resistant and can be used for multiple baths. Add a few drops of green food coloring to the running bath water until it achieves the desired color. Sprinkle the green foam shapes into the bath which will stick to the sides of the bath when wet. Add the stickers or laminated stickers and empty containers to the bath. Your children can now play in the fun green water and stick the foam shapes and stickers to the sides of the tub or collect them in the containers. They can learn about Shamrocks and St. Patrick’s Day while enjoying the fun sensory experience.
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