We took the babies to a local block party sponsored by the church. There were lots of people who braved the heat to get out and do family activities. There was a big blow up water slide for the older kids and carnival games. They had a bounce house for kids of all ages. We approached it, knowing that the babies could not be in there with a bunch of big kids jumping. They offered to do a ‘baby jump time’ with no jumping.
We were excited to have the babies in a bounce house for the first time. They were intrigued by it but were cautious in their exploration. Capri was the only one brave enough to try standing up. Ryder melted down at first and Greg took him out. Then he put him back in and Ryder sat right by the entry to the house the whole time but clearly enjoyed watching the other kids. I do not imagine we will have many opportunities to put them in a bounce house with no jumping allowed, but we were grateful for this chance.
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We're doing the same this summer; just trying to introduce the twins to new activities to see how they react. They enjoy the park slides the best
Hi Olusola.
Park slides are fun. We haven't gone as much lately due to the heat. I have missed your posts on Multiples Mondays. I hope you will start linking up again. Have a wonderful week.
: 0 ) Theresa