Since we rarely have snow in our part of Southern California, we have fun in the snow with local events that provide artificial snow. This event was free and sponsored by the YMCA. There are similar events sponsored by churches or recreation departments. The Sugar Snaps have very little experience with snow due to our location. You may notice that Ryder is NOT pictured in these photos. This is because he was not pleased by the way the snow felt on his hands. We did not bring mittens, so it was a bare hands experience. Ryder even turned down the chance to throw a snowball at Daddy. The others threw a snowball at him in such a gentle way that it was funny. I hoped they would not notice the older kids who were nailing each other and their parents with snow balls. For much of the event it was raining. We let them play in the playground in the rain which they loved. We were all soaked by the time we got home and were ready for some hot chocolate.
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It snows in the mountains in winter (which is your summer) every year and some parts even get snow storms but it rarely snows where we are. Too warm. Was it cold like normal snow? Just wondering why Ryder didn't like. I lived in the US north east for a few years and loved snow but not the blizzards and snow storms
Hi Mrs. FF.
Yes, the snow is cold and feels the same as traditional snow (in this case traditional packed snow which is more icy than fluffy). I think he didn't like the cold feeling on his hands.
I have never lived where it snowed regularly. It looks so beautiful (but the shoveling snow part does not sound fun). It would be interesting to hear the differences between places you've lived.
: 0 ) Theresa
We are in Northern California so we need to drive to the snow where much of the snow at the moment is artificial.
Hi Shelah.
I think we probably have the same weather. My parents live in Northern CA too. Our temps are usually within 5 degrees of each other. I do like that we have the opportunities for artificial snow (vs. the long drive and potential chains when going to the real snow).
: 0 ) Theresa
There's about two inches of snow oustide, and we are having a mild winter. My kids would LOVE to go to California to get away from the snow.
We are still waiting for snow here in South Carolina.
We have tons of snow. You are more than welcome to come get some. 🙂 I'm glad you were able to show snow to the Sugar Snaps. I grew up where there was snow only once every eight years, so I understand the awe of it. 🙂
Hi Deborah.
Your comments cracked me up. It sounds like our kids would like to trade places for a week so yours could bask in the sun and ours could make snowballs and snow people.
: 0 ) Theresa
H JDaniel4's Mom.
It sounds like you think it's coming which is nice. We wait years between snow falls here and there is typically about enough to build a snowman in a yogurt container when it does. But, that amount still gets us excited!
: 0 ) Theresa
We don't have snow in California, but we sure did in Massachusetts! I miss the snow (but not the icy roads).
Hi Maryanne.
The snow must have been nice when you lived in Massachusetts, though I imagine it was a lot of work too! I am guessing you may have artificial snow events near you too? They can be a nice substitute for the real thing and are made with the same ingredient.
: 0 ) Theresa