We recently took the Sugar Snaps to a local book festival so that they could see some of the characters in their books come to life. We were excited to meet the authors and who signed books for the Sugar Snaps. They do not understand now, but later they may be interested to know that authors are real people who create amazing stories.
The Sugar Snaps had the chance to meet Llama Llama in his Red Pajamas.
I was excited when David Kirk a signed copy of Oh So Tiny Bunny for us.
I was also thrilled when Mark Teague signed our copy of How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night.
The Sugar Snaps were ready to get their wiggles out after the signings.
Xayden was atracted to a colorful sign
and Grayson also had the urge to explore it.
I had been meaning to go to this festival for years and was finally able to experience it. It is such a wonderful idea to have a festival devoted to reading, authors and literacy. I hope we can continue to enjoy it in future years when the Sugar Snaps are old enough to understand it and pick the authors they would like to meet. I hope it inspires them to write down stories from their imaginations. Have you been to any festivals lately with your family? What activities or events do you recommend? Feel free to leave links to your posts or event page.
How fun! Love it!