We enjoyed going to various county fairs, just the two of us, before we had the babies. I remember early on in our dating going on a ride that spun us upside down and shook us. Greg had bought a fist full of tickets for hours of rides. After that ride, it was all I could do to not get sick in the nearest trash can. We ended up finding a family full of kids and giving them the tickets.
Now that the babies are here, we wanted them to experience the county fair. They are too young for rides. Greg can take them on the ones that spin when they are older. For them, it is all about the animals, sights and sounds.
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Love county fairs! Thanks for stoppin' by my blog! Looking forward to following you!
Hi Ashley.
Thank you for coming over. You are doing great with your running goals. That is wonderful.
: 0 ) Theresa
County fairs are so much fun. I love the first time you get to take your little ones on the Merry Go Round, I am not sure who enjoys it more the parent or our babies. HA. I thought I had my hands full with 3 under 6 but you will be very busy when they all want to go different ways to see or ride something different.
Hi Vermonter.
It is good to hear from you. Yes it will get busier when they are able to run around and try the rides. The stroller does well now in keeping them together. I hope you have had a great weekend.
: 0 ) Theresa