We spent some time with Aunt Leanne, Uncle Eric and Cousin Emma at lunch and then stopped by a beautiful botanical garden.
Grayson, Aunt Leanne, Capri and Emma explored the gardens.
What you don’t see in this photo is that Ryder and Uncle Eric are also there while Greg is off to the side and I walked several steps behind with Xayden. Leanne is visibly pregnant and a passerby assumed that all the children were hers except for Xayden. It appeared that she had triplets, plus Emma and was expecting a fifth. After passing them, the man pointedly asked his wife, “Did you see that lady?” I am guessing he thought that she must be having children at a rapid rate.
Xayden and Grayson peered into the pond
and admired the colorful Koi swimming gracefully below.
Aunt Leanne and Emma stood by the waterfall.
Then, Emma and the Sugar Snaps watched as the water splashed over the rocks.
I paused to appreciate this inviting rose.
Capri was so enamored with her cousin Emma.
Usually surrounded by her three brothers, she was excited to spend time with another girl. The Sugar Snaps talked about their Aunt, Uncle and cousin until they fell asleep on the car ride home. They are learning their letters and proudly announce that Emma starts with E. Have you visited you local gardens or been on other family outings lately? I would love to hear from you. As always, comments are welcome.
Such lovely pictures but I just love Capri's face with her cousin.
Thank you Tammie.
It is great to hear from you. I think that one is my favorite too. It really captures how Capri feels about Emma. Have a wonderful week!
: 0 ) Theresa
What a great outing! We love the botanical gardens too. 🙂
Hi Jennifer Fischer.
Botanical gardens are a lot of fun. It is so nice to get outside.
: 0 ) Theresa