We decided to beat the heat and take the babies to the coast. It was about an hour’s drive there and another half hour to find parking. Then we were ready to go to a nearby festival. We were ready that is until Greg took out the quad stroller from the minivan and opened it up. Snap! One of the plastic pieces irreparably broke rendering the stroller useless. Four toddlers who are not great walkers and no stroller meant we had to come up with a plan B fast. I thought perhaps we could get a new discount double stroller, a baby backpack and an umbrella stroller and still enjoy the day. So, thanks to Katie from In This Moment, I knew that Target had a shopping cart with seating for three so that we could make it through the store. Katie and Target were our heroes in this Quad stroller catastrophe.
We went to Target and, sure enough, there was the triple shopping cart. Greg brought it over and we put three of the babies in the seats and one in the main part of the cart. Ryder is our best walker so we figured he could walk holding my hand if need be. We went to the stroller section and, voila, there was a lightweight discount double stroller which was super compact. We decided just to get two as these would be lifesavers with our car space issues. We put one stroller underneath the cart and one inside. Ryder walked to make room for the strollers and he sounded like a miniature horse as he stomped through the store. Two new twin strollers in hand, our day was not over. We were able to enjoy the cool weather and stay out until temperatures cooled down at home.
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Yay!!! Glad my experience could help you!! Sorry your stroller broke though 🙁
I drive around the parking lot & look for one outside. And I always park RIGHT by a cart bin, even if it means walking a little further. If I don't see a triple one, I pile all 3 kids into the basket part of the cart. Not sure if 4 would fit? Then go in to search out a 3 seater. On random occasions I can't find one, but I know which Walmarts in town have good stock & which don't. I've been known to glare down moms with one kid in those carts….
Hope you like your new strollers!
Thank you Katie!
Your advice saved the day. I also love your new advice about driving around and parking next to the carts. Great idea! I can attempt a solo shopping trip which would be amazing. Some days I would just like to get out of the house. Thank you!!!
: 0 ) Theresa
Every time I see pics of your kiddos I an amazed anew! You are truly an inspiration! Target with 4 kiddos?!?!? Wow!!!
Thank you Katie.
You wrote a book! You are an inspiration too.
: 0 ) Theresa