Many of our babies’ firsts are together. Their first time eating solids was side by side. They transitioned to their own cribs together. Since we have three boys and a girl, I pictured the boys getting their first haircuts together. It is amazing how many variations there are in a single gene pool. Grayson has so much more hair and teeth than any of the other babies. We held off on cutting his hair for a little while, but finally, it was time. He was starting to look scraggly, from bed head, to swing head, to car seat head. Yes, it was time.
Grayson at home before his haircut
In the Barber Shop before his cut
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to take Grayson for his first hair cut by myself. It would not have been the same if I needed to take the quad stroller and the other babies. I was able to cuddle with Grayson and dote on him while I carried our video camera and regular camera, looking like a dorky Mom. I could not hide my excitement as we sat and waited at the busy shop. I eyed the possible seats, an airplane and a red hummer. I imagined that Grayson might have a meltdown like he did for Santa, and was mentally prepared.
When our wait was up, Grayson sat in the red hummer. The owner of the Barber Shop expertly cut his hair. Grayson simply sat there looking around, without a single tear. I stood in front of him capturing his first hair cut on video and in still shots. I could see the people around us were bemused by all the hoopla over a haircut. I didn’t care. I was having a Mama-Son date, something I do not get to do very often.
Before my eyes, he transformed from a scraggly car seat head into a little boy with a little boy haircut. He received a certificate and a lock of hair when he was finished. These milestones will only happen once. I want to cherish them all.
At the end, he was ready to go home.
The sun lit up his little boy haircut as he sat in his car seat.
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