Kids love guessing games and ours are no exception. I remember teachers holding their fingers up behind their backs and the child who guessed the closest to the number of fingers they were holding up got a privilege, such as walking out first to recess. The game never got old because there was always a new opportunity to guess. This continued into higher grades where teachers would write down a number and have students guess. In kindergarten and preschool, guessing the number is exciting enough and needs no further reward.
How many gems am I holding? Pre-K and Kinder Guessing Game From 0 to 5
You will need:
- 5 glass gems or other small objects
- That’s it!
This game is so simple that it requires no set-up except gathering five gems or other small items. If you use something other than gems, it should be easy for the children to grasp without dropping. Tell them you are going to put between zero and five gems into their hands which they will hide behind their backs. They will not know how many gems are in their hands. Other students will each take turns guessing how many gems there are and then the student with the gems (or no gems) will take his hands out from behind his back and open them for all to see and determine who was the closest. The game continues until each child has had a turn. This is a great game for rainy days and can be done spontaneously as it requires no prep time! You can also change it up to be a guessing game about colors by placing a colored bear or other object into their hands and have everyone guess the color.
MORE Hands-on, Playful ways to teach the numbers 0-5 with these activities from the Early Childhood Education Team. Follow the hashtag #TeachECE to find all of the FREE learning activities from the team.
Counting Cars Numbers 0-5 Book by
Learning 2 Walk
Paper Bag Numbers Book an Early Writing Activity by The Educators’ Spin On It
What a fun game that you could literally do with almost any small toy or natural found object!
Hi Amanda.
Yes, it is extremely flexible and amusing for this age group.
: 0 ) Theresa
Love how simple it is to do and I love that I can do this multiple times and it wont get old.
Such a simple and fun idea – my kids will love it and I can't wait to do it when we're bored waiting – putting 5 gems in my hand bag and we'll be able to play at the school gates waiting for the doors to open.
Hi Natasha.
It is great that kids love simple games.
: 0 ) Theresa
Hi Cerys.
That is a great idea! It would be an easy game to keep in your pocket or bag for moments like those.
: 0 ) Theresa
I love that it's entertaining AND simple! Great idea!
Thank you Kristen!
: 0 ) Theresa
I love that this is simple, yet effective!
Thank you Danielle.
It is also easy to pull out at any minute anywhere.
: 0 ) Theresa
Such a simple, but great game!
Wow this activity is so simple and effective. You really can teach any concept with the simplest things.
Great way to encourage kids even when "on the go!" Sometimes, its the little things that create BIG learning opportunities!
Thank you Kim!
: 0 ) Theresa
Thank you Pschooltoolbox.
Simple games do provide great learning. It's kind of like when you buy the expensive educational toy and they have hours of imaginative fun and learning with the BOX!
: 0 ) Theresa
Thank you Alecia.
It is nice that it does not have to be complicated!
: 0 ) Theresa
A perfect game for little ones this age!
I'm always trying to think of a game and usually come up with ideas that are too elaborate when my boys need simplicity. This is perfect and can be done anywhere!
Thank you Growing Book by Book.
: 0 ) Theresa
Thank you Clarissa.
Our kids love simple games.
: 0 ) Theresa