The kids have explored finger paint, pudding and play dough and embraced the sticky feeling of glue. I never imagined that this would lead to poo as a sensory experience. Looking back on it, I suppose I should not have been surprised. It is a home grown sensory adventure perfectly packaged awaiting exploration. The first time it happened, the fragrance of poo drifted down the hallway and greeted our noses with pungent aroma.
When we opened the door, to our shock and horror tiny balls of poo were littered on the floor and smeared on tiny fingers that had been used to create poofetti. It had been thrown in every direction in a sensory party to which we were not invited. We have been witness to the aftermath of several poofetti parties since that day. One of note was Thanksgiving, when one of the Sugar Snaps, dressed up for the special day celebrated during nap time by throwing handfuls of homemade poofetti all over the nursery and caking it into freshly washed hair at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Those involved shall remain anonymous out of respect for their future teenage selves. I will simply say that some have thrown the parties while others were merely spectators.
Since the start of these celebrations, we have tried various methods of prevention. We snapped onesies on the outside of their pants prevent access to the party supplies. This worked for a while, except for the occasions when we regrettably forgot to do it. They outsmarted this method by learning how to unsnap the onesies. So Greg researched online and found out that you could zip the pajamas (easiest with the footless) on backwards. This was also effective until they figured out how to unzip them by reaching behind their heads. We are now on to a new method which is still working. One aspect is reinforcing the lesson we have worked on since the first poo-fest which is, “yucky poo poo, no touch.” They understand this and repeat it. Next, all four are now wearing sleeveless sleep sacks on backwards that zip from top to bottom. They have no idea why this tradition started and all think it is cozy and fun to wear them. So far, so good. Hopefully, this will last until they outgrow the urge to create poofetti. Have you had any poo-fests at your house? What did you do to prevent the celebrations? I would love to hear from you. As always, comments are welcome.
Oh My, HA.. I never had that problem with my three (now grown). I have to say I pity you. Yikes, I hope that this works for you. I am sure that what one does the others have to follow so hopefully this will be the end to this game.
Hi Tammie.
I hope so too! Yes, there is the following issue with four. Some may try it due to the power of suggestion. I hope we have finally found the solution.
: 0 ) Theresa
Oh my….oh my….i have no idea what to say besides kids are always going to keep us on our toes. Bless your heart for keeping such a positive attitude!!!!! 🙂
Thank you Dana.
They certainly do keep us on our toes.
: 0 ) Theresa
i had that problem and this site gave me great advice and tips on potty training him cuz thats what it came down to. it only took me 3 days to with the book they talk about in that blog its great and saved my house from feces.
Hi Drew Matthews.
I have heard a lot of good things about the 3 day method. It is not a viable choice for us due to being outnumbered. Not everyone would have a 'potty buddy.' The good thing is we have two of them almost daytime trained which helps a lot. Two are not there yet as far as understanding the feeling of needing to use the potty.
I am glad the 3 day method worked for you. It saved your house and your wallet too in the cost of diapers.
: 0 ) Theresa
We were told that potty training a child is a process of trial and error too. It is both exciting and frustrating.
Until I came across this program that showed my daughter and I how to potty train our grandson within three days. There were some great techniques and helpful information there that I felt compelled to share with others. We've been trying to potty train my grandson for the last six weeks with no luck, Googling potty training was turning up outdated techniques and some of them we believe were even harmful and I really didn't have the time for trial and error and all the researching. We needed something that worked and was easy to apply to everyday life.
We followed the instructions and "eureka" we found a successful formula in 3 days. It was "Potty Training Made Easy".
Three days completely trained our grandson, it worked for us and I hope it works for you.
So I hope this helps and good luck with your training…. O' almost forgot here's the site: