The spring rain cleared to reveal rays of sunshine. We decided to get out with the babies and enjoy the gorgeous weather. We headed to the coast and were surprised to find it warm enough to enjoy the day without coats.
Capri and Grayson looked around
as Xayden rested and Ryder observed
a large ivy covered dinosaur spitting a stream of water.
We were amazed by the colorful kites
and paused to watch parasailors
until they disappeared behind the rides.
We took the babies out for lunch. They sat in highchairs and we ate as a family. When we asked for our bill, our server told us that someone who wished to remain anonymous had paid our check. She said that many people told her how impressed they were that the babies were so well behaved. I was so touched by the kind gesture that my eyes glassed over along with our server’s. A couple of tears escaped and I discreetly wiped them away. I am grateful to whoever showed us this act of kindness. When the babies get older, we will do acts of kindness together as a family. I want them to know how important it is to make the world a little brighter.
Has anyone showed your family acts of kindness? Have you done kind gestures for others? I would love to hear your stories and ideas. As always, comments are welcome.
Wow that's amazing that someone paid for your bill! I didn't know people still do that anymore lol.
My toddler loves that dinosaur fountain too. He could literally just watch it for a whole hour if we let him.
Those dinosaur fountains are clever. The ivy on their backs is a great idea.
: 0 ) Theresa