The Sugar Snaps' aunt, uncle and cousin gave them the wonderful gift of a trampoline for their second birthday. They had been in physical therapy and their therapist suggested that it would improve their motor skills. I found out that jumping is an important skill. Who knew? It would not have occurred to me to get a trampoline … [Read more...]
Aquarium Adventure
We took the babies to the aquarium and saw the fish and animals through their excited eyes. They reminded us that we were witnessing extraordinary beauty. Pretty fish fascinated the babies. A beautiful eagle posed for photos. Brightly colored jellyfish lit up the … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter Playdough
I searched for playdough recipes online and found this recipe for peanut butter playdough in several places. I had all the ingredients already in the house. Other recipes required nonfat milk powder which would have required a trip to the store. Peanut Butter Playdough Recipe: 1 cup creamy peanut butter 2 cups … [Read more...]