Before I get into the Harry Potter inspired group costume theme, I will share a bit about the history of our many group themes. When our children were babies, they wore animal themed store bought group costumes. They were dressed as ducks for their first Halloween and raccoons for their second. Every year, since our four kids were three years old, we have done a group costume … [Read more...]
DIY Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Inspired Group Costumes
When our children were babies, we did animal themed store bought group costumes, ducks for their first Halloween and raccoons for their second. Since then, we have been doing DIY group costumes with a literary theme. The next two costumes were nursery rhymes, Little Bo Peep and her Sheep followed by Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddle. Then, we started doing book … [Read more...]
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe-Narnia Inspired Costumes
We have had fun doing group costumes ever since our kids' first Halloween. We started out off the rack with ducks and raccoons and then I began making their costumes with some elements that are store bought. The next two themes were inspired by nursery rhymes: Little Bo Peep Found Her Sheep followed by Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle. Then, we did The Very Hungry … [Read more...]