We are members of our local aquarium and when we found out they were doing a toy drive event after hours for members, we were excited. Greg picked out a bunch of toys at the store and off we went. The babies are too young to understand right now, but we want to teach them the importance of being part of a community and giving back. They will see through pictures that they have been doing this since they were toddlers.
We discovered a big difference in terms of attendance and access compared to an average day. The babies were able to see exhibits we could not get near before due to crowds. It was nice to be able to walk right up to the aquariums and give them an amazing view.
My daughther's husband chose a little 5 year old boy to do for operation Santa this year. She has three daughters so they dcided it would be fun to have a boy to buy for. She also uses this as a lesson for them to realize that all are as fortunate as her their family is. My middle granddaughter really wanted to give the child the dift so she could she how happy it made him. Well even though my daughter was so proud of her for wanting to see the expression on his face explained that they couldn't give it to them personally because their Mom and Dad have to be the ones that give it to them because some parents can't afford gifts themselves. I feel this was a nice lesson taught.
Hi Tammie.
It is nice to hear from you.That is a nice lesson for your granddaughters. We want our children to learn that too, though they are too young right now to understand. We plan to keep it up so that they understand the importance of giving back and being grateful for what you have. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
: 0 ) Theresa