We had a lot of fun doing a simple wind powered boat ‘Eggsperiment’ this week. I have lots of plastic eggs which we use for all sorts of activities. This was our first time making one into a boat. Since our kids love ‘things that go’ and balloons, they were excited to try this out.
Wind Powered Eggsperiment
You will need:
- Plastic Egg
- Tape (scotch, duct or masking)
- Balloon
- Tub of water (or baby pool)
Blow up the balloon. Tape one side of the balloon onto the wider part of the bottom of the egg as shown above (leaving room for the air to escape.) Have your preschooler hold onto the balloon so that the air cannot escape. Place the balloon with the egg boat pointed in the direction of the other end of the tub. Have your preschooler release the balloon and watch what happens. Discuss how the release of air from the balloon created wind power which caused the egg to move in the water. Expand the discussion by talking about how various ‘things that go’ are powered.
Here is a video of Capri trying the experiment:
Yes, it is that easy! Just make sure your child his holding the balloon in the middle of the tub rather than off to one side. We learned from experience that if it is off to the side, it will get stuck on the side of the tub when it starts moving.
Check out the rest of the ‘Things That Go’ Themed posts from the rest of the team:
Danielle Buckley says
Very cool idea! My son would LOVE this!
Amanda Boyarshinov says
Ooh, this would be a hit when we have water playtime!
Jess Ullrich says
Fun stuff! My daughter loves balloons too. I'll have to give this a try.
Theresa says
Hi Danielle.
I hope your son has fun with this.
: 0 ) Theresa
Theresa says
Hi Amanda.
I hope you get the chance to try it out. I imagine it would be novel during water play time.
: 0 ) Theresa
Theresa says
Hi Jess.
I hope your daughter enjoys it. It is fun and easy.
: 0) Theresa
Growing Book by Book says
Oh my, my little boys are going to LOVE this!
shelah moss says
This is such a fun way to get kids interested in science and so many of us will have those plastic eggs in our house.
Theresa says
Hi Growing Book By Book.
I hope your boys have fun with hit. It is easy entertainment.
: 0 ) Theresa
Theresa says
Thank you Shelah.
Yes, many of us have plastic eggs to spare. And, they can be used again and again for learning (or treats).
: 0 ) Theresa
Nicole Keener says
I NEED to do this with my daughter! This is a lot of fun and also perfect for the upcoming Easter Season.
Jhanis V. says
My 3-yo would love this! Pinning to try this weekend!
Theresa says
Thank you Nicole.
It is so easy. And you can re-use the eggs for other purposes (like sharing them with the Easter Bunny later).
: 0 ) Theresa
Theresa says
Thank you for pinning Jhanis.
I hope your3 year-old enjoys this. It is super easy for you to set up.
: 0 ) Theresa
Jennifer Fischer says
That is cool! The boys watched the video with it and Sky insisted that the activity must have made the kids happy. I agree!
Theresa says
Hi Jennifer.
He is right! It did make them happy. Thank you for watching the video with your kids.
: 0 ) Theresa
Natasha Johnson says
Very cool! I'm such a big kid at heart that I want to try this.
Melissa Matters says
How fun! My kids love balloons, and science.
Theresa says
Hi Natasha.
Try it out! I found it amusing too.
: 0 ) Theresa
Theresa says
Thank you Melissa!
: 0 ) Theresa