I decided to bust out the window crayons that Uncle David had given the Sugar Snaps a while ago. They all stood side by side and colored the window in the door together. I think the forbidden quality of it makes it more fun. They could not believe I was allowing (and even suggesting) that they color the window. They jockeyed for space a bit as it was narrow for the four of them. Sometimes a couple would reach up while others crouched down to color the bottom. They were so excited to show Daddy their window art ‘masterpiece’ when he got home. I think I will save the crayons as something I bring out occasionally so that their level of excitement remains high (and they don’t get tempted to go for the walls and floor.)
Every time I looked at their artwork on the door, it made me smile. The artwork washed off easily a few days later. I think window crayons are a great invention. Have you tried them with your children or students?
Where do you get them?
Hi Kat.
My brother got them at Lakeshore Learning.
: 0 ) Theresa
SO cute! We have similar ones that I've been using in the tub to draw on the shower walls for themed baths. I haven't let the kids get "hands on" quite yet but you've inspired me!
I just wanted to say hello – came across your blog via Tips From a Typical Mom and the Melissa and Doug blog. I'm a mom blogger of Twin Toddlers (mytaleswithtwo.com) and you are my new idol. Looks like I've no longer got any excuses friend! 🙂
Hi Heather.
Thank you for coming by. I have been by and checked out your blog too. Your twins are adorable. If you try the window crayons on the windows, and they get any on the walls…ask me how I know ; 0 )…you can get that off with the magic eraser very easily just like with regular crayons.
: 0 ) Theresa