Before I had children, I wondered how much of children’s behavior and personality were due to genetics and how much was due to environment (probably because I’m a psychologist). I have had the chance to get a firsthand answer to my question (at least from the small sample of my own children). While we have four who are all the same age and in the same environment, their personalities could not be more different. I have talked about Xayden’s natural curiosity and ability to escape most barriers. Now, I will share a little more about Grayson. He is our mini-adult. I love this picture of him below, taken by Susana Bates. She really captured his quirky grown-up face when he was still a baby.
Have you noticed big differences in your children’s personalities? Do you think personality is shaped more by environment or by genes? I’d love to hear from you. I enjoy reading each comment.
My twins have completely different personalities! It was almost a joke that they're twins because they're as opposite as can be (both physically and with their temperaments). I used to think that I wouldn't want to dress them the same so that they have their own individuality; well, there's no problem with dressing them in matching clothes anymore because you'd be able to tell them apart in a split second.
I love it though, how they're so different. I always knew I wanted them to be their own person instead of "the twins," so it's great we're getting to know them even at this young of an age.
Hi Nina.
I can relate to that! We enjoy dressing them in matching clothes sometimes (while we still can!) They certainly have their own personalities no matter what they wear. It sounds like your little ones will not be known as 'the twins' thanks to their different personalities, looks and temperaments!
: 0 ) Theresa
People used to (and sometimes still do) say to us, "Just wait until they all develop different personalities!" They had different personalities when they were still in the womb! It's crazy how kids raised exactly the same way, born at exactly the same time, eating exactly the same foods can be so, so, SO different! It's fun though! 🙂
Since we have quads too, I often joke that if anyone ever wanted to run a science experiment, we would have the ideal family for that: two boys, and two girls. 🙂
It is good to hear from you Rebecca.
It is amazing how different they are! I love your science experiment joke. That is so true and funny.
: 0 ) Theresa