One thing I love about age 3 is the sense of magic that the Sugar Snaps have about the world around them. I love all the holidays that have come up because they ‘get it’ now and are so excited by each celebration. This year, I decided to make a green themed snack for them for St. Patrick’s Day. This easy green theme snack could easily be changed to fit Valentine’s Day by making it pink or red (or any other holiday by changing the colors). I also made them green milk to go with dinner.
Green Pudding with Green Granola Topping:
You will need:
Granola (1 Cup or desired amount)
- Green food coloring (I used gel food coloring)
- Water
- Wax paper (or parchment paper)
- Ziploc bag
- Pudding or yogurt
Add the granola to a Ziploc bag with a few drops of green food coloring and about a teaspoon of water. Shake it up until the granola is the desired shade of green. Children love to do this step. Then, empty the bag of granola onto a sheet of wax paper and spread it out to dry. Add green food coloring (in desired amount) to either pudding or yogurt and mix until it is the desired shade of green. Refrigerate until you are ready to serve. When the granola is dry, sprinkle it on as a fun topping. I also made them easy green bracelets using sparkly green pipe cleaners. I simply cut the pipe cleaner to size and fit it to their wrists (making sure the ends were not poking them). They were thrilled with their simple accessory. What did you do for St. Patrick’s Day this year? Any green theme snacks or leprechaun activities? Please feel free to share in the comments.