Before I get into the Harry Potter inspired group costume theme, I will share a bit about the history of our many group themes. When our children were babies, they wore animal themed store bought group costumes. They were dressed as ducks for their first Halloween and raccoons for their second. Every year, since our four kids were three years old, we have done a group costume … [Read more...]
Easy Glow in the Dark Christmas Tree Ornaments Kids Can Make
It's hard to believe the holiday season is upon us already. Each year, our kids love to make Christmas ornaments. I bought glow in the dark glue a while back and Capri asked if she could use it. She created so many fun things with it and I was impressed by how well it works. So, I decided to set up an easy glow in the dark Christmas ornament craft. *This post contains … [Read more...]
D.I.Y. Foaming Peppermint Hand Soap
D.I.Y. Foaming Peppermint Hand Soap With a family of six, we go through hand soap at a rapid rate, especially since we have four nine year-old kids! I used to cringe when they'd pump the expensive hand soaps out three to four pumps at a time, finishing a bottle in a couple of days. But, washing their hands is a good thing, so I came up with a less expensive alternative; making … [Read more...]