We all come into relationships with our bags packed full of life experiences, good and bad. Our partners can help us lighten the load of the negative experiences by creating new positive experiences. Early in my relationship with Greg, I found out that he had been dumped on Valentine’s Day, not once, but twice. Being on the receiving end of a break-up is hard enough without it falling on the day of love. As a result, he had a sense of dread whenever Valentine’s Day approached.
At the time, we lived about forty-five minutes away from each other and Greg left for work at 4:30 in the morning. I set my alarm and drove to his house at 3:00 a.m. I crept around in the dark and transformed his house and car into a festive Valentine’s display, complete with hearts, a sign and candy. I wanted to blot out his bad Valentine’s Day memories and for him to feel loved and appreciated.
February 2011
What a difference a year makes. February 2012
He was pretty surprised when he left for work at the crack of dawn to find an explosion of hearts everywhere he looked. He could not believe I had arisen so early to wish him a Happy Valentine’s Day. Since that time, I make sure he feels the love every February 14th, to lighten his bags a little each year.
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