We were full of hope as all of her previous transfers had been successful on the first try. Our doctor was hopeful for us too, having been there for so many of our losses. Then, the day of the blood test arrived. She called us with joy in her voice and announced that she was pregnant. The HCG number was high which implied that it was possibly twins or triplets. Many online message boards warned that one should not read too much into HCG numbers as many Moms of twins had low numbers and singleton Moms had high numbers. So, we tried not to read too much into it, but it was hard to stop our minds from imagining. In the blood tests to follow, her numbers continued to rise as they should and were still high.
The big day arrived, the day of the ultrasound. This was the only way to know how many babies were there. We had a different doctor that day, one closer to our surrogate’s home. He had not read the chart before performing her exam. Again, I was in there for the exam and my husband waited outside. One baby appeared on the screen. He moved his instrument around and there was another baby. He stopped and informed us that it was twins.
I questioned, “are you sure?” I asked him to look around one more time. We informed him that there was another embryo and we wanted to see if it could be triplets. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and took a closer look, and sure enough, hiding up top, was our third baby. We were having triplets! Our surrogate and I looked at each other and smiled. Then we went outside and told our husbands who were both excited by the news.
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