When I was allowed in the operating room, I noticed the sheer number of medical professionals in the room. Each of our triplets had his own doctor and our surrogate had her own doctor and there were at least two nurses for each doctor and an anesthesiologist for our surrogate. It is amazing how many people were there to help our babies enter the world. I held our surrogate’s hand while the anesthesia was given. She was anxious but excited.
The anesthesiologist gave me a tutorial on how to film the birth. I had no idea that I would be allowed to film it and had brought the camera for after the birth. The video has some bouncing around due to my lack of videography skills, but, I was able to capture the birth of the boys and their first several minutes of life. In this way, the whole family could see the birth because I could angle the camera over the sheet allowing us to bear witness to this magical event.
Here is part of the video of the boys’ birth. It shows each baby as he emerges and gives a glimpse of the wonderful doctors and nurses.
I just read your story, it's quite incredible!
Thank you for reading our story Samantha. Also, thank you again for linking to Multiples Monday. I hope to see you each week.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow! What an incredible and beautiful story! I can't believe all that you endured on your journey to motherhood. You are a strong lady! Congrats on your 4 beautiful babies!
Thank you Angela.
I enjoyed reading your blog. Your new home is going to be beautiful. Very exciting! I was amused by your story on judging and the wild morning with the kids that every Mom can relate to. Have a great weekend.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow, what an amazing story! My sister-in-law had the same thing happen where after rounds and rounds of treatments and IVF she became pregnant naturally at the same time that her surrogate became pregnant with twins. Her "triplets" were born two weeks apart, and are now 9 years old. How fun to read about someone else who has had the same experience!
Hi Heidi.
That is amazing! I had never heard of anyone with such a similar story. That is really great. It is wonderful to have that kind of heartache end in happiness.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow – just read through the whole saga!! What a story. It seems like it cannot be true, but of course it is. I am so glad that you know have 4 healthy babies!! How amazing. A blessing, but also keeping you busy. I love seeing all that you do with them.
Thank you for reading our saga Jennifer. They do keep us busy, and in tough moments, we remind ourselves that our toughest days are no comparison to our days of infertility. We are so grateful to have them.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow, I just read your whole story. It is captivating! So happy that after so many losses you have a such a full healthy family. Amazing story!
Wow, I just read your whole story. It is captivating! So happy that after so many losses you have a such a full healthy family. Amazing story!
Thank you Kristen!
We are grateful for the happy ending to our struggles to start a family. Thanks for reading our story.
: 0 ) Theresa
Hi Theresa,
I just found your website from Blogelina. What an incredible story! Isn't it funny how we assume that getting pregnant is easy until the time comes and we find out that sometimes life has other plans. I'm glad that after such a difficult journey you are finally able to experience the joy of being a mother.
Jennifer @ Little Silly Goose
Thank you for reading our story Jennifer S. We are very grateful to have a happy ending. I will be going over to check out your blog too.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow. What an incredible story! I am so happy to see that you ended up with four beautiful babies after all those hurdles. I am sure you are one busy momma!
Thank you Dyan Robson.
Thank you for reading our story. We do feel very fortunate. I thought I was busy before the Sugar Snaps were in our lives. They have given me a new definition of busy.
: 0 ) Theresa
Incredible story to say the least! So happy you were blessed with a beautiful family.
Thank you Melanie.
We never take them for granted. We were very blessed to have them and are very grateful.
: 0 ) Theresa
Wow, that's quite the story. I now understand "Capri + 3". I read a few of your blog posts before but sort of assumed they were quadruplets but it all makes more sense now. Don't think I'll forget this story anytime soon, seriously could be a blockbuster movie. Congratulations on 4 beautiful children. 🙂
Hi Melanie.
I apologize that I just saw your comment! Thank you so much for reading our story.
Thank you so much.
: 0 ) Theresa
That is an amazing story! You are so blessed to have 4 wonderful kids!
Thank you Krystal.
We do feel very blessed.